A few seconds of effort can make some feel appreciated and keep your network warm.
There are checklists when leaving a job to make sure work goes smoothly. This checklist will make sure your relationships go smoothly.
We’re taught to make a good first impression. Our last impressions can be just as important to our success.
What if there was an app to help you remember books and podcasts that you didn’t even have to open to use?
Sales and marketing techniques are applicable to HR functions like recruiting and retention. Applying existing knowledge in your team HR unlocks additional value with no additional cost.
You're not climbing a career ladder but rather floors in a building. Networking with the others on your floor efficiently expands your network.
We all have an innate ability to negotiate, but many of us lose it along the way. It can be regained with just a little effort.
Is AI a digital hammer, a digital peer, or something more? The line is blurry.
While you should explicitly explore corporate culture during the interview process, knowing something about it beforehand can help you interview. Learn how.
Erasmus quipped, “Clothes make the man.” In today’s virtual world, your video background is your virtual outfit.
A marriage counselor recently shared a common complaint about husbands; the lesson is equally applicable to the workplace.
Most people go to conferences and spend most of their time on the least valuable activities. Learn the secrets of what to do and how to be extremely effective at it.
Many people go to conferences and spend most of their time on the least valuable activities. Learn the secrets of what to do and how to be extremely effective at it.
Opening lines to talk to strangers at a conference.
We often think of the value of a job being in the paycheck or other compensation in our contracts. We can learn to create value beyond what’s on paper.
We often look to find a mentor from within our company or field. Taking a broader view can unlock a larger, better set of mentors.
The impact of being in the office isn’t the same for everyone; the needs of workers and the needs of managers may be quite different, driving different levels of desire for in-office work.
Stepping up to fill an empty role seems like a good way to ger ahead. It can be, but it’s not without risks.
Managers are excited to get employees back in the office a few days a week to work. It’s important that some of that office time be used for socialization, too.
Many people get defensive when getting feedback, creating a barrier to change. This simple change removes this impediment and makes feedback sessions more effective.
Companies are struggling to recruit talent in a competitive market. As marketers have known for years a compelling pitch isn’t one-dimensional.
There are often pressures, implicit and explicit, to ignore reality. As leaders we need to face the truth, no matter how difficult it may be.
Many startup founders and certain types of scammers often have a similar mentality.
As companies move into a hybrid office the rules, written and unwritten, will be different. Leaving them unwritten creates risk; by addressing them as a team you create engagement and reduce employee frustration.
The Will Smith incident seems like a minor skirmish that got blown out of proportion because he’s a celebrity, but in fact this is exactly the attention such behavior needs, and it signals an important shift in society and our workplaces.
Holding celebrities, politicians, or executives to a different standard undercuts the goals of society.
We’ve been taught about constructive criticism and positive feedback, but there’s another dimension to feedback stemming from a person’s motivation.
A tiny change can drastically increase the amount of networking people do at conferences and other events.
The effects of the Great Resignation will be felt in the labor market for years to come. Understanding when and how effects will appear can help you better navigate a volatile labor market.
We often face choices where it's hard to know which is right, especially if we can’t see very far down the path. Understanding the level of commitment required for a path can help you explore career options at minimal cost.
It’s easy to quit a job you hate, but how do you know whether it’s time to go before you get to the point of hatred and burnout? This process can help you decide if it’s time to quit.
People say you should never quit until you have a new job. Instead of a hard and fast rule a clear rubric will lead to better decisions.
It’s critical to learn about corporate culture before you accept a job offer but it can be awkward to raise such questions. Learn what to ask and how to ask it to avoid landing yourself in a bad situation.
The question “What’s the one tip you would give aspiring leaders?” isn’t just a bad question, it’s fundamentally the wrong way to think about leadership.
The Entrepreneur’s Prayer guides you to find the balance between ego and humility allowing you to see a path to success while avoiding the traps others have fallen into.
The University of Michigan illustrates why organizations must be more thorough when there are multiple claims of harassment.
The Bechdel test is a quick lower bound on helping us make sure we haven’t totally ignored equality in movies. We can use it in events and organizations, too.
Investing just a few hours per year will help you focus and advance in your career.
We need to rethink how non-competes operate as people work from anywhere.
A tiny effort will help you impress your manager and get better results at your annual review.
Most people blow it, but when answered correctly, this question will give you an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and impress your interviewers.
A simple change can help make networking much more effective for yourself or even for everyone at your event.
Honest career planning conversations between an employee and manager need to recognize that at some point the employee is going to leave the company.
In today’s war for talent you’re not just recruiting, you’re selling jobs to candidates. Make sure you know how to market and sell effectively.
There’s a reason you’re leaving your job. Make sure you don’t jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. Better yet, with a small change we can extinguish the fire altogether.
Groups with a high barrier to entry and high trust are often the most valuable groups to join.
Corporate dictionaries help define the terms and acronyms used through an organization. They can be made in minutes but save countless hours of confusion.
We have a chance to resign offices to best optimize for different styles of work.
Lunch and learns are a way for companies to promote less formal learning and knowledge sharing. While they are straightforward to run mechanically, a few things can make or break the success of the program.
Networking isn't just for finding new jobs. Your network within an organization can often be even more valuable than your external network.
Over the past twenty years the internet has increased the amount of content available online while decreasing its cost. Covid blew the doors off the event industry showing us that most content could be effectively delivered online. Going forward conferences can no longer be simply a series of talks, but instead must provide additional value justifying the time and money attendees spend. When done right, it can lead to better experiences and more loyal attendees.
How learning to negotiate can add five or even six figures to your lifetime career earnings. Once you read this, you’ll be kicking yourself as to why you didn’t learn to do this sooner.
Have people told you networking is important? What about communication, teamwork, and leadership? For all the lip service given them, how much formal education did you have on such essential skills? Probably little, if any. What are these skills and why haven't they been taught to students?
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